Snowboard Goggles

Prescription Snowboard Goggles

Before you hit the slopes, grab your snowboarding goggles to protect your eyes and improve your vision. Safety Len Canada has a wide selection of conventional and prescription snow goggles in a variety of styles to help you hit the slopes in style. You can fully appreciate the unique mountain climate once your eyes are covered and you have clear vision. Our snowboard goggles are built to last, with 100% UV protection, polarized lenses, and a light frame. All winter sports involve falling, and your snow goggles will not shatter after just one fall. These snowboard goggles have metal frames, that also add to their sophistication and durability.

Prescription Ski Goggles

RX Safety Canada provides high-quality, reasonably priced skiing goggles that protect your eyes while also giving you a fashionable look on the slopes. Not to mention, you can get your own prescription ski goggles designed at the best optical laboratories in the country. With our trendy collection of prescription ski goggles, you'll have crystal clear vision as you ski through the crisp ice. You'll also feel extra safe wearing our ski goggles because they comply with ANSI Z87.

Snowboard Goggles

Snowboard Goggles FAQs

Are snowboard goggles necessary?

Yes! The risk of snow blindness, UV damage, and injury in an accident increases when you decide to skip your snow goggles. Snowboard goggles protect your eyes from the cold air and wind, and leaving your eyes exposed increases your risk of both short-term vision impairment and long-term eye damage. When you're dropping through the trees, ice particles, as well as twigs and branches, can get into your eyes. Snowboard goggles can help protect your eyes from on-mountain hazards, making your outing more enjoyable.

Do snowboard goggles make a difference?

Snowboard goggles ensure that you have a clear view of the landscape and safeguard you from Ultraviolet radiation, wind, and cold. You're off on an amazing winter adventure with the right snowboard goggles especially if you need prescription lenses added to them.

Does the colour of snowboard goggles matter?

There are mixed opinions regarding that matter as the colour of the snow goggles lens has an interesting relationship with its darkness. Historically, certain colours of snow goggles were darker than others, and this is still true in most cases — a black lens is darker than a yellow lens, for example. However, there is a lot of movement in the world of snowboard goggles lenses and now the tint and darkness are better expressed as VLT, or 'visible light transmission,' which is a percentage figure attributed to a lens to let the wearer know how 'dark' that lens will be.

What colour goggles are best for snowboarding?

Yellow, gold, amber, green, and rose-coloured lenses all have a higher VLT and are good choices for cloudy, overcast days. VLT is lower in darker tints because less light passes through the lens. Brown, grey, and copper-coloured lenses all have a lower VLT and thus perform well on cloudy days.