Prescription Sports Glasses

Because athletes are always keeping their eyes on the prize, we are keeping an eye on how to protect their vision with Safety Lens Canada's large collection of sports glasses. Wearing the proper equipment, including sports glasses, is crucial whether you participate in sports for fun or competition. Yet, many athletes forget about the importance of sports glasses.
Sports glasses have two main purposes: to protect the eyes from any impacts and to serve as a reflective shield against UV radiation. Additionally, sports glasses protect against any flying particles or insects that may be present. Prescription sports glasses also offer a safer and more convenient option for athletes.

Prescription Sports Glasses

Sport Glasses and Sports Sunglasses FAQs

Do glasses help in sports?

Besides their protection against impact, sports glasses can help you perform better in different types of sports. Most sports glasses come with an anti-fog feature. Sports glasses with prescription improve visual acuity and help beat the heat and humidity.

What glasses should I wear for sports?

If you want comfort, safety, and greater performance when playing sports, then you need to invest in a good pair of sports glasses. Prescription glasses do not offer the same amount of ball or impact protection as prescription sports glasses and miss out on valuable sports glasses features such as antifog lenses.

What color lenses are best for sports?

The best colour lens for your sports glasses depends on its purpose. If you’re looking to reduce glare, then sports glasses with a brown tint are best for reducing glare. Additionally, it will protect your eyes from harsh lighting. Grey is a good hue choice for improving visual clarity in sports glasses. However, sports glasses with yellow-tinted lenses will aid in enhancing vision clarity in hazy conditions.

How do sports players keep their glasses on?

The reason that many athletes can keep their glasses on is that they’re not wearing traditional glasses. sport glasses with prescription lenses are designed to comfortably fit athletes and give room for various movements without falling off.